Most Expensive and Affordable Properties Sold in Jan 2023

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Again, the Bank of Canada increased the policy interest rate by 25 basis points to 4.50%. Based on our database, The number of sold properties in Ontario is moving down again, but the median house price has a slight bounce in Jan 2023.

Five of the Most Expensive

Property details

  • Detached 4 + 2 bed 10 bath 28 parking
  • Sold at $7,600,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Detached 5 bed 5 bath 4 parking
  • Sold at $6,550,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Detached 4 + 2 bed 8 bath 13 parking
  • Sold at $5,800,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Condo Apt 2 bed 3 bath 4 parking
  • Sold at $5,500,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Detached 4 bed 2 bath 12 parking
  • Sold at $5,450,000

View the listing here.

Five of the Most Affordable

Property details

  • Detached 2+2 bed 2 bath 3 parking
  • Sold at $75,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Detached 1 bed 1 bath 2 parking
  • Sold at $95,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Detached 1 bed 1 bath 3 parking
  • Sold at $140,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Detached 1 bed 1 bath 10 parking
  • Sold at $173,000

View the listing here.

Property details

  • Duplex 4 bed 2 bath 5 parking
  • Sold at $175,000

View the listing here.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is based on our database with best estimates. We do not compare all properties in the market . This is not a guarantee and is a guide only.

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Picture of Vik Palan

Vik Palan

Chief Editor - RoofUp

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